PaNdemic Policy
In light of the Pandemic, we are reaching out to our community with information about how to protect yourself and others to prevent the spread of viruses (flu, cold, or COVID-19.)
Preventative Steps We are Taking:
In addition to our daily janitorial cleaning, the staff are regularly circulating throughout the gym during open hours- cleaning commonly touched surfaces with proper disinfecting wipes and sprays.
These active cleaning procedures are in place for classes and camps.
Alcohol gel dispensers have been placed throughout the gym and Front Desk countertops and lobby.
We have installed a new Filtered Water Bottle Refill station.
Please bring your own water bottle to class.​
Cubbies are provided for each student for their personal belongings. ​
Entrance: Enter only through the Front Doors of CCGI.
Exit: Exit through the South side of the building through our Dance Room or the Front Door
The safety and well-being of our students, families, and staff continue to be our highest priority. We thank you for taking proactive steps to keep sick student's home. We understand that this situation can cause disruption to normal routines; we are grateful for your understanding and partnership.
If any new information or recommendations require changes to our normal business operations, we will notify our members as soon as possible via email, website and social media.